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He was born into a poor Indian caste and steeped in a tradition of discrimination. He spent years helping untouchables and other poor people. And he became the first law minister of independent India.This is the story of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, revolutionary intellectual, politician, and visionary who overcame poverty and prejudice to play a central role in the fight for India's post-independence success as both an architect of its Constitution and as one of independent India's first Cabinet Ministers. Yet, as India struggles for a place in the world, Dr Ambedkar is also a revered figure whose vision for a society free from caste discrimination and social inequality continues to inspire the country today.This ambitious biography of India's most controversial constitutional architect traces Dr Ambedkar's early life and education, his experience as a political prisoner, his role in Indian independence from British rule, and his efforts to bring an end to the untouchable caste system. At the same time it throws light on Dr Ambedkars lifelong struggle to change India from within by opposing unjust laws even when they were supported by his own party. For at least fourteen years of his life he was both one of its leaders and its most vehement opponent. Then along with millions of poor untouchables - once denigrated as "unseeables" and now known as dalits - he became chairman of the Constitutional Drafting Committee. He was at once both architect and apostle for what has been hailed as one of the most progressive constitutions ever written.The party he led, however, was swept out of power in subsequent elections, and Dr Ambedkar himself was accused of corruption. Though he died in his 60s, the legacy of Ambedkar's vision goes far beyond that age. Story of Ambedkar was brought to Chandrayangutta audience through the presentation of "Dr Ambedkar-The Constitution Man", a two hour documentary, by Prof. N Rajiv, Spokesperson No.1 of the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) on Jayalakshmi Vilas Vilasom Hall on 1 December 2014. The event was held at 5:30 pm. The lecture was attended by around 400 people, including students and residents of the colony where Dr B.R Ambedkar lived during his stay in Hyderabad in the early 1900s. Dr Ambedkar died in 1956, at age 65.Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was born on 6 April 1891 at Mhow in Central Provinces and Berar in a low-caste Mahar community converted to Christianity by the British in the 19th century. He was called a "sadhu" by his family members who remained strict adherents of the Hindu faith. Ambedkars mother Ambika is a Punjabi from Lahore, India and his father Ramabai is from Maharashtra [citation needed]. He married Ramabai in April 1898 when he was 16 years old.
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